Saturday, December 18, 2004

Crazy Day.....

Today was a messed up day. I mean, things at work went OK, but this girl I worked with had the nerve to slap me in the face, just on a whim. Then about an hour later, did it again! I was so furious that she did this. I was even more furious that nothing was done about it! I cant believe she did that. For no reason at all!!! Then, I go to the gym and get every part of my body stretched, pulled, and "beat up", just to get back into shape, so needless to say, I am literally sore all over.

Which brings me to my "agonizing for a day off" cry. I have Tuesday & Wednesday off, I also have Saturday off next week, coincidentally, that's when Christmas falls on, but I am anxiously waiitng to find out about the 3 days after. I just feel that I need a break from reality, if only for a few days, see? I just want to relax for a few days and not have to worry about responsiblities.


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